7 Diet Tips To Stay Healthy Over the Holidays

The holidays bring family and friends together to celebrate the year and traditions. It’s also a time for socializing, holiday parties, and meals. Many people can struggle with their diets during the holidays because of this.

If you have a plan to stay healthy over the holidays, it can help ensure your success.

I want to share some of my best holiday diet tips so you can enjoy the holidays while staying healthy at the same time.

1) The Holiday Eating “Golden Rule”

Why do you feel terrible after eating a huge holiday meal?

The main reason is that all of the blood flow responsible for everything in your body has to go to your gut to do all the digestion. That means less blood flow to your brain, your muscles, your heart, everywhere in the body.

You feel tired and you have no energy.

So think about that next time you have that big meal. It doesn’t mean you have to give up something or never enjoy meals again, it just means moderation.

Remember the golden rule, we eat for energy. We eat to feel good, not to feel full.

2) Fill Up On Healthy Holiday Food

When you go to parties and there’s food everywhere, make an effort to fill up on the healthy stuff.

Look for the vegetables, fruits, and healthy options available.

It doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some of the goodies, but if you get filled up on healthy options, you’re less likely to indulge in the unhealthy foods.

3) Stay Hydrated at Holiday Parties

Another key thing to keep in mind is to stay hydrated.

Often times there may be alcohol at holiday parties.

It doesn’t mean you have to avoid it. Just make sure you’re hydrated and doing the best you can to make the best choices for your foods.

Always remember the little word exercise. It can always be there to bail you out.

4) Holiday Meal Ideas

Healthy holiday meal ideas can be a great way to get through the holidays. Look for healthier options in terms of starches and things that may get you in trouble.

Look at options such as:

  • Yams instead of potatoes
  • Brown rice instead of white rice
  • Whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta

There is so much creativity out there. I really appreciate how much everyone contributes recipes to the 17-Day Diet Facebook community.

We are all in this together. So let’s continue to share these great ideas and recipes.

5) Enjoy Your Holiday Parties With a Fasting Day

The most important thing about the holidays is enjoying time with friends and family.

Inevitably, parties and food will come around. But, it doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy them.

Try to take a fasting day during the week leading up to your holiday parties.

Often times if you take a little extra time to do a fasting day like I recommend in the 17 Day Diet Body Breakthrough, it can set you up for a night out with friends.

The bottom line is that the holidays are meant to be fun. Use the time away from work to do a little more exercise, and just be reasonable. Most of all, enjoy the time with your friends and family.

6) Stay Active During The Holidays

It’s important to stay active during the holidays.

Let’s face it, we’re all going to go to parties and see friends and family that we rarely get to see. We’re all going to eat at these parties.

There’s always healthy food and always good choices, but we have to make those choices.

The holidays are a time to enjoy friends and family. Find ways to be more active than normal. Go for a walk with your friends and family or do something that involves more activity.

But don’t deprive yourself, the holidays come once a year and life is too short.

7) Don’t Get Discouraged

For a lot of us, the holidays mean some weight gain. But it’s not necessarily a game changer. The key to it is trying to be as active as possible.

Remember, the holidays don’t last forever. Make sure you take every opportunity to exercise when you can.

Try to follow your own rules the best you can.

Stick to carbs and bigger meals earlier in the day so you’re more likely to burn off the calories as the day goes on.

Water is your friend and hydration can go a long way.

Getting back on track and getting back to life is inevitable. So follow the golden rules -moderation, carb placement, and hydration.

If you want to get 2016 started off on the right foot, take a look at my done-for-you diet system “Body Breakthrough” to get all of my 17-Day Diet tips packed into one convenient place.


  1. Dr. Mike.. I must say I have lost 13 pds in 25 days..and I want everyone to know, I’m not getting payed to say this..lol

    My reward is your 17 day diet and I swear by it…Its my daily food bible as I call it…I follow it word for word and NOOOO cheating…
    Thank you Again Dr. Mike I feel like a new person..
    Merry Christmas To YOU and Your..and a Healthy New Year
    God Bless Ciao Carol

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